Future Projects

Global Reach Ministry has many more projects with the Ministries Vision for the Future. Our goals include the following:

  • Continue to be supportive of the above Ministries and to meet their financial needs
  • To train Missionaries and launch them to the Mission Field in the local areas, and around the Globe
  • To help students achieve higher education through Educational Program Funds
  • A new building project for GRM that will work as a distribution center for clothing, food, medical supplies
  • GRM will continue to raise up Business Opportunities with various groups of Christian based businesses to provide self-support and the necessary Ministry Funds.
  • GRM has put its first Biblical Trips Site Global Reach Vacations for Pilgrimages Tours to the Holy Lands. The Steps of St. Paul in Greece, and the book of the Apocalypse in Turkey. Support our cause by encouraging your organizations to join our Biblical Trips.
  • GRM, through AGIA Media is expanding its software and application designing office to accommodate creation of new applications like the Comprehensive Christian Library for any Christian organization seeking to creates its own library, thus increasing its revenue and help support and contribute to these kingdom
  • GRM is putting Global Reach Networks (GRN) a Satellite Christian TV on air soon. GRN will cover North America, Europe, North Africa, The Middle East, and the Far East. This unique broadcasting will be in Arabic and English reaching the Muslim world for Christ, and address the human rights violations in the Middle East and the Far East against Christian minorities.
  • The proceed of selling AGIA products, such as Solar Audio Bible, 7′ Electronic Tablet pre-loaded with the Bible in different languages and the Comprehensive Christian Library application, its plans is to sponsor the above projects. Your purchase will make a difference!
  • Global Reach Ministry is a 501 C (3) non-profit organization, established in Henderson, Nevada. USA 2003. Taxpayer Identification Number 37-1478233

AGIA Media is Doing Business As “DBA” under Global Reach Ministry

AGIA Media is expanding its software and application designing office to accommodate creation of new applications similar to the Orthodox Church Library for any Christian organization

  • 2654 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Suite: B5-183
    Henderson NV 89052, USA.
  • [email protected]
  • 1-702-542-9812