Global Reach Ministry (GRM)
is also a supporter and partner with EME Ministries, which is a Missionary NGO reaching out from Greece to most of the Mediterranean Countries, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, through Bible distribution, supporting local churches, and building schools and orphanages. In the base of Athens, Greece, many refugees from Eastern Europe, Afghanistan, Northern Iraq and in Lebanon many refugees from Syria, are receiving care and salvation through the help of EME! This ministry is based on giving to the needy ones! GRM has had the privilege to work with EME since 1989 in Greece. We have seen God’s hand taking this little group of believers and watching the accomplished miracles happen with very little supply
GRM helping families in Egypt:
We were able to support large number of families living in inhuman situation. These families have between four and five members per family. Most of these families have one or more sick parents that can’t work or can’t find jobs to support their children! The target of GRM is to reach more Egyptian families that need our help!
GRM wants to give these families and children the basic rights to food, shelter, health and education Our association with Coptic Orthodox Organization “Christian Family Sponsorship” which is operated under Santa Verna Charity, Inc., and under the guide line of H.G Bishop Serrapion Bishop of Los Angeles
Also, we are currently partnering with St. Sainklitiky Coptic Foundation for Social Development out of Cairo-Egypt, which provides shelters and cares for handicapped, sick people and elderly people
Egypt is a country ruled by the Muslim majority, where Christianity is attacked daily and so Christian living can be extremely difficult! In a Country where Freedom of Worship is attacked, poor Christians are pressured by the Government to convert to Islam with the promise of better living! Looting Christian stores, Killing Christian Egyptians, Kidnapping and Raping Christian girls and Force Conversions to Islam are phenomenon that takes place with the blessings of the Egyptian Police and the Government! GRM is supporting Human Rights Advocate for the persecuted Coptic Christian in Egypt.
GRM is also a supporter of Jubilee Campaign which is operated by an International law firm, is helping set free the jailed Christians and the Persecuted Churches in Egypt and in some countries in central of Asia
GRM is supporting the work in India through Grace Assembly of God Church (GAGC) We are committed in building a 1 Million US Dollars new orphanage Karuna Children’s Home (KCH) in the northern of India-North of New Delhi. This new orphanage was started by Grace Assembly of God Church for neglected children from the slums of North India, who are orphaned, abandoned or abused. With GAGC, we strongly feel that these children are vulnerable could end up on the street and finally either in a brothel or a street-gang. GRM wants to give these children the basic rights to food, shelter, health and education. We further believe in the slogan: TOUCH THEM NOW, AND CHANGE THEM FOREVER! Our small acts of kindness by providing a shelter, food, education and a lot of love can absolutely change these children and make them better world citizens. Currently Grace Assembly of God Church is taking care of 22 children. India is a home to 25% of the total world population of hungry children. Keeping this in mind GAGC wants to take in more children in the Home. For this we need at least 2 acres of land to house 100 children. Estimated total cost with construction at the door is 1 Million US Dollars
The land will provide the following amenities:
- The building will have 4 dormitories (2 for girls and 2 for boys). Each dormitory will be able to accommodate 25 kids. Each dorm will have a room for house parents.
- We plan to have 2 dining rooms that can accommodate 75 people each.
- We plan to have 2 kitchens with 4 cooks, 2 halls that will be used for prayer, study time, workshops, vocational classes and a recreation center. Each hall will be equipped with a TV and a sound system. An office for administration work, 6 rooms with a common bathroom for the housekeeping staff and the cooks. 25 bathrooms for the kids (1 bathroom will be shared by 4.
- We plan to have 20 people on staff taking care of the kids. The cost for sponsoring 1 child would be $80 per month. This would include the child’s school tuition, books, food and medical expenses. People have made a difference in society when they were the only ones to believe that it could happen. Karuna Children’s Home has been started to touch lives of underprivileged children, who one day make an impact for their nation. In the words of Mother Teresa, “The child is God’s gift to the family and the nation. Each child is created in the special image and likeness of God for greater things – to love and to be loved. “Help these underprivileged children to grow up to lead meaningful lives and become leaders in their societies.
By doing this we help the children not only cease to be burden on society but make a positive contribution to it.