Amazing Features

Fully Controlled

Our technical training system puts you in complete control, allowing you to manage and update training materials as needed. With the ability to add new training materials at any time, you can ensure that your employees have access to the latest information and best partices in their field.

Easy Access

Our technical training system is designed to be accessible on a variety of devices, including mobiles and tablets, providing employees with easy access to training materials.

By allowing staff to access training materials on their own devices, we enable them to learn on-the-go, making training more convenient and effecient.

Awesome Design

Our training materials are designed with user-friendliness in mind, ensuring that staff can easlily access and understand the information they need.

By making training materials functional and easy to use, we help staff to obtain the information they need quickly and effeciently, improving their overall training experience.


About Smart Gate

Smart Gate is a dynamic player in the industry, with two decades of experience in training and web development. Our extensive experience and expertise in these two areas has equipped us to offer smart and sustainable technical solutions to our clients. We understand the importance of delivering solutions that are not only efficient, but also sustainable in the long-term. Our team of skilled trainers and developers work collaboratively to design and deliver solutions that meet the needs of our clients. We are committed to using the latest technologies and best practices in our training and development services, to ensure that our clients are well-equipped for success. Our company takes pride in our ability to provide end-to-end solutions, from training and development to ongoing support and maintenance. We work closely with our clients to identify their specific needs and goals, and to design solutions that are tailored to their unique requirements.

Our technical solutions are designed to optimize effeciency and minimize waste, helping our clients to achieve their goals in a sustainable and cost-effective manner. With a proven track record of success, we have built a strong reputation as a trusted and reliable partner in the industry. At our company, we are committed to providing sustainable and effecient technical solutions that meet the needs of our clients, both today and into the futur


More Features

Our technical training materials are designed with features that promote sustainability and efficiency, such as online accessibility and mobile compatibility.

By incorporating these features, wa are able to provide training that is not only effective, but also sustainable, helping our clients to achieve their goals while minimizing waste and maximizing resources.

Audio visual materials
Online catalougs
Ticketing systems
High security
Fully compatible

Unique Vibrant & Modern Design

Our design team is dedicated to creating training materials that are not only informative, but also enjoyable to use.

By prioritizing user experience and usability, we aim to create a training journey that is both engaging and effective.

We understand that learning can be a challenging process, and our team works tirelessly to make training materials as user-friendly and accessible as possible.

By creating themes that are visually appealing and easy to navigate, we aim to make training a pleasant and enjoyable experience for all.

Our commitment to user experience is a key part of our approach to technical training, and we believe that it is essential for creating effective, sustainable, and efficient training solutions.


How it Works?

  • Smart chips are small, wireless communication devices that can be embedded into a variety of objects, such as credit cards, smartphones, and even clothing. They work by using electromagnetic radio fields to transmit data over short distances, typically a few centimeters or less.

    When operators draw their mobile phones or tablets near sticked chips, it browses machine specifications and catalogues which can save time and streamline workflows, especially in settings where operators may need to quickly access information about multiple pieces of equipment.

  • Smart chips are small, wireless communication devices that can be embedded into a variety of objects, such as credit cards, smartphones, and even clothing. They work by using electromagnetic radio fields to transmit data over short distances, typically a few centimeters or less.

    Once smart chip is attached or embedded in a physical object, it will remain in place unless it is deliberately removed. However, the information that is stored on the chip can be updated or changed at any time using tailored web application. This means that businesses and organizations can use this technology to provide up-to-date information to operators, without needing to physically update or replace the chips themselves.

  • Smart chips are small, wireless communication devices that can be embedded into a variety of objects, such as credit cards, smartphones, and even clothing. They work by using electromagnetic radio fields to transmit data over short distances, typically a few centimeters or less.

    Smart chips can be used as an interactive tool for collecting and storing data from machines. By programming the chips with specific instructions, operators can use them to gather readings and other information from the machines and store it in a database. For example, an operator could use a mobile device to scan a smart chip attached to a machine and enter information about its current performance or maintenance needs. This data could then be automatically uploaded to a centralized database, where it could be analyzed and used to identify trends or issues.

  • Smart chips are small, wireless communication devices that can be embedded into a variety of objects, such as credit cards, smartphones, and even clothing. They work by using electromagnetic radio fields to transmit data over short distances, typically a few centimeters or less.

    Smart chips can help improve safety and security in industrial settings by ensuring that operators have access to critical information when and where they need it. It can also help reduce the risk of accidents or incidents by providing clear and concise instructions for safe operation. It can be used to provide safety and security instructions in factories and other industrial settings. By placing smart chips in strategic locations throughout the facility, operators can quickly and easily access information about safety procedures, emergency protocols, and other important information.

  • Smart chips are small, wireless communication devices that can be embedded into a variety of objects, such as credit cards, smartphones, and even clothing. They work by using electromagnetic radio fields to transmit data over short distances, typically a few centimeters or less.

    If the operator's mobile phone does not support the required technology, an alternative solution could be to provide another QR code that supports the same purpose on the same sticker. This QR code could be programmed to direct the operator to a link or application that is compatible with their mobile device and can provide the same functionality as the smart chip. Alternatively, the sticker could also include instructions for the operator to manually enter the required information or perform the necessary actions in the absence of a compatible QR code.


Consult US

Our Consultancy services are backed by years of expertise and experience, allowing us to provide our
clients with professional and reliable support.

You can trust us to deliver expert guidance and advice, tailored to meet the specific needs of your business and industry


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We are delighted to have the opportunity to communicate with you and look forward to engaging in a productive and meaningful exchange of ideas. Thank you for considering us as a valuable partner in this communication